Great Things We Noticed:
- Ms. Barreto's students working collaboratively and reflecting deeply on Dr. King's message!
- Instructional Rounds with Cabinet and important conversations with our leaders
- High Impact Teaming with 2nd and 5th grade - Hard work is paying big DIVIDENDS!
- Andy's Dibels workshop - I heard 3rd grade has their plan READY!
- The 100th Day of School!!
- Mr. Sheffield's sense of humor - When you lose a 1st grader in the Great Wall of Beanbag Chairs you just have to laugh...
- Please make sure you are releasing your students at 2:55 for dismissal.
- SBIT New Referrals - DUE MONDAY 1/28 - Meetings on FRIDAY 1/25
- Longi will be covering Castle View Elementary M-W - Erin is Admin Designee with Carol OK as back up if I am off campus on these days
- READ ACROSS AMERICA - Save the Date!
- Friday, March 1
- We will have readers from the DO, Board, Project Team and AHS
- Tentative: Books and Blankets - Thursday, February 28 - Evening family event
- ALICE Training:
- We have an opportunity to complete Active Shooter Training through an online module
- Each teacher must complete this training by 2/20 - you can complete on your own time, or during an extra staff meeting on 2/13
- The training takes approximately 45 minutes and can be worked on over time.
- You will be receiving an email from Paul DeFoe in Pupil Services with the link to complete the training.
- The 3/13 staff meeting will be a safety meeting (active shooter and lock down)
- IAB window opens 2/4 please send Erin and Longi your grade level schedule for administering the IAB's
- SBAC testing window is 4/15-5/24 - We will narrow down a 2-3 week window for our site testing.
If you haven't already found Readworks check it out - Kristi Forsythe is using the Article a Day feature to build academic vocabulary, comprehension and stamina in her 3rd graders!
Here is an example of a Physical Science selection:
Physical Science
You can print the materials or upload to your Google Classroom or Choice Board. Check it out!
Annotating Text using SNOTS:
"Book Tasting" Activity:
Shown with 7th graders but could be used in any grade!
28 Day Kindness Challenge:
Great Kindness Challenge:
1/28-1/30 - Longi at Castle View
1/28 - SST Marathon Day
1/29 - 8:00-12:00 Carrie off Campus - Leadership Workshop
1/29 - 3:30 - Carrie off Campus - Strengths Cohort Meeting
1/30 - Lunch on the Lawn
1/31 - Carrie off Campus 8-12 Principals Meeting
1/31 - 6th Grade Field Trip to CBU
2/1 - SBIT New Referral Meetings
2/4-2/22 - IAB window
2/4 - GATE Testing
2/4 and 2/5 - RUSD Science and Engineering Fair UCR
2/5 - Instructional Design Day (SLT Members)
2/6 - Coffee with the Principal
2/6 - Leadership Team Meeting - 2:55 Library
2/7 - 8:00-10:30 - Carrie off Campus Elementary Principal Meeting
2/7 - 10:30-12:30 - Kiersten Frausto (Director Elementary Ed) Visit and Walk Through
2/7 - 2:45 - Carrie and Longi off Campus - District Leadership
2/8 - Hawk Shop Open
2/11-2/13 - Aquarium of the Pacific Assemblies (schedule TBD)
1/30 - Erin Masi - Intervention Teacher
2/1 - Suzanne Armas - Preschool Teachers