Hello Hawthorne Staff! I will be using this format to send out weekly information and news. It is my intent to keep you informed and up to date on the events of the school, instructional information and the great things I see every week.
Great Things I Noticed:
- A support staff working hard to ensure not only our school is up and running, but also taking care of the teachers and administration - Thank you!
- A wonderful group of educators coming together to gather, get to know each other and learn together - Thank you for beginning our journey together is such a positive way!
- Teachers working hard to ensure their students have the best first day ever! Your rooms are beautiful and your dedication shines through in the effort you have put in for our students.
Nuts and Bolts:
Backpack Day!
Please follow this schedule on Tuesday for backpack distribution:
Distribution Schedule
August 29
1: 9:45-10:00
Special Education
10:05-10:20 6th Grade
10:25-10:40 1st Grade
10:45-11:00 2nd Grade
11:05-11:20 3rd Grade
11:25-11:40 4th Grade
11:45-12:05 5th Grade
BTS is Thursday 6:00-7:30. We will be meeting with families in the MPR from 6:00-6:30 to introduce teachers, hold our Title I meeting, talk about School Site Council and ELAC and end with information regarding our Family Literacy Project Classes.
- Students will FREEZE at the bell and be released (when they are all frozen) by a whistle. This is the expectation for ALL RECESSES regardless of whom is on duty
- Please reinforce our school wide rules when taking students to recess, lunch, library, etc.
- Monday lunch will (probably) be inclement weather - by end of day Monday we will have the inside/outside lunch schedule to you. Thank you for your patience
Clarissa and I will be visiting your classrooms on a regular basis this year. During the first few weeks we will be in every classroom - following that we will be creating a schedule to allow time for us to be out in your rooms, with the students.
Friday Focus:
I wanted to give you some inspiration as we head into the new year. I was taking notes during Col. Consuelo Castillo Kichbusch's key note address and these are the thoughts that stayed with me:
Recognize the riches in culture and family
Your work will speak for you when you are not there
Do not go to the label, see the whole child
Everyday, every child only wants one thing... your heart.
When we begin the school year, it is much easier to see the whole child. The child that comes in bright and shiny, excited, happy with a little bit (or a lot) of anxiety. They are both anxious and excited about meeting their new teacher, and we are feeling the same about them! At some point during the school year the shine begins to fade. We might start to see the label more than the child, the behavior before the personality. Let us commit to seeing the whole child and remembering that we are teaching the skills that transcend the content areas, that the work is important and that our students need our continued love and dedication.
I am so proud to be leading alongside you this school year! I look forward to the work will do together, the students we will impact and the journey we are taking - Happy First Day of School!
Upcoming Events:
August 28 - First Day of School
August 29 - Backpack Day
August 31 - 6:00-7:30 Back to School Night
September 4 - No School
September 5 - 6:00 RUSD Board Meeting
September 7 - 8:30-12:00 Principal's Meeting (Carrie)
This is awesome!