Great Things I Noticed:
- A Special Ed team that handles IEP's with skill and grace - thank you for your hard work and support you provide for our students!
- Marcia working hard over the years to develop and support a solid 3-6 AVID program!
- Expanding AVID to K-2!
- Writing and student collaboration across all grade levels and content areas!
- FOSS expanding and all grade levels trained and ready to implement!
- Doree's TRRFCC window!
- Mr. Hara's Team working with their students on likes and dislikes!
- Mr. Carrasco's students summarizing, questioning, clarifying and predicting!
- Kristi Forsythe's skills in developing engaging and educational digital resources!
Nuts and Bolts:
- I have not heard from the Art Float group regarding our schedule for the week - 4-6th grade teachers expect 3 thrity minute sessions during the week. I will get this information to you ASAP!
- Progress reports go home 2/2
- Data meetings 2/6 and 2/7. Schedule will be put out next week.
- Kerri Valenzula (Arlington High School) will be shadowing Clarissa and Me for the semester. She is working towards her Admin. Credential... introduce yourself if you see her on campus!
- 2/2 Dibels scan date
- 100 day of school 2/9 - fliers go home Monday
- Coffee with principal 2/14 - Grade Level Showcase - email us if your grade level is interested in showcasing student work or grade level content!
- Reminder: Lunches from home/parents will now be dropped off in the office. Parents will no longer have access to campus to drop off lunches. If students are expecting a lunch, send them to the office
- Please begin checking the working order of your Chromebooks - State Testing is coming and we wand all computers in working order before we begin.
- Registration is open for the CUE Conference. I would be willing to pay for registration only, no hotel. You will find more information here:
- If you are interested in taking the AVID Foundations Training in Riverside - please register ASAP on the PD Hub.
Weekly Focus:
This week I found information that I hope will support or expand on your FOSS training! We are all familiar with the age old KWL charts. In this Teaching Channel video you will see the use of a
KLEWS chart.
KLEWS stands for:
What do we KNOW?
What are we LEARNING?
What is our EVIDENCE?
What are we WONDERING?
What SCIENCE vocabulary should we remember?
Check out this video on for information on how KLEWS was implemented with 3rd graders studying germination. While watching the video, consider how this can support our FOSS implementation and how, science can impact our ELA instruction. Is is possible to replace some of the ELA time with FOSS? How do the ELA standards and the NGSS standards relate? Studies have shown that ELA scores go up when students are exposed to more science (experiment based) instruciton. Why do you think this happens and how can you use science to impact the learning of your students?
Upcoming Events:
Remember, to see full details check the Hawthorne Staff Calendar on Outlook.
- 1/29-2/2 Art Float Week (Grade 4-6, Cafeteria)
- 1/29 IEP Meetings 9:00-1:00
- 1/29 7th Grade Registration Meeting (6th Grade Teachers) 3:00
- 1/30 PL Training (All Day)
- 2/1 Principals Meeting (All Day)
- 2/2 SST Marathon Day
- 2/2 Jump Rope For Heart Assemblies
- Grades K-3 1:40
- Grades 4-6 2:15
- 2/5 SLT Day (Leadership Team - Bournes Technology Center) 8:00
- 2/6 and 2/7 Data Meetings
- 2/8 Principals Taskforce (Carrie out 8-10:30)
- 2/9 100th Day of School Celebration
- 2/9 Site Visit by Kiersten Reno-Frausto (Director Elementary Education)